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Eye Care Articles

Eye Exams: What to Expect

A thorough eye exam administered by an eye care doctor typically includes all, or an appropriate combination of, the following components:

Case History

Your eye care doctor will ask you for information about your vision and health history, medications, symptoms of vision problems and other background information.

Visual System Evaluation

Using a number of tests and medical instruments, your eye care doctor will conduct an external and internal exam of the various parts of your vision system, including the retina, optic nerve, blood vessels, muscles, pupils, cornea, lens, iris, conjunctiva, eyelids and eyelashes. The eye care doctor will assess the health of your eyes and look for the possibility of vision problems such as glaucoma, cataracts and corneal diseases. The doctor will also look for general systemic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and neurological disorders, which can be detected in limited instances through an eye exam.

Refractive Evaluation

Your eye care doctor will conduct several tests to determine your ability to see clearly, focus your eyes and whether you need prescription eyewear.

Binocular Evaluation

Your eye care doctor will conduct tests of what is known as your binocular function, which determines the ability of the eyes to work together at both near and far distances.

Diagnosis and Treatment Plan

Your eye care doctor will make a final diagnosis and determine the treatment plan for you. The diagnosis includes the status of your vision system and any systemic health problems. The eye care doctor will determine any necessary treatments such as corrective eyewear or vision therapy and ensures the earliest possible intervention for eye and other health problems.